Sunday, February 22, 2009

WTF Moments

This is a wtf moment.
|_ | says:
at least lets make the blog better together right
-poPPY- says:
the blog sucks la now
like wth
so much philopshy
i m eating lunch
be back later

This comes from the co-author of the blog, one has managed to inspire me to post outrageously random and at times 'philosophical' and 'emotional' posts. But that is life, we can't have random moments all the time...

so to Poppy, you want random?
how about some jokes. Dedicated to Poppy.

Poppy you so ugly that
when you joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."

your mama said "What a treasure!" and the doctor said "Yes, let's go bury it."

instead of putting the bungee cord around your ankle, they put it around your neck and said "For World Peace"

if ugly were bricks you'd have your own projects as tall as KLCC and as big as Europe.

even no matter how many facials you get, you would never realize cum isn't a good pimple cure.

Poppy you so stupid that

when you saw the 18 Only sign at the movies and went home to get 17 friends.

that you put lipstick on because you thought it would make up your friggin mind.

Need anything more be said?
I don't think so