Tuesday, February 17, 2009

American "Idol's" Part One

So i am sure, American Idol is on most people's need to watch list of television shows right?

But i am sure that many people share my opinion that certain individuals should have been in the top 36 and some shouldn't have!

Who i think should have been given the boot the earliest??


Yes i mean she can sing but her personality and laugh has got me tempted more then once to pull out that rope i have been saving to just hang myself.

Proof on why suicide should been given an option to certain people:

Katrina Darell however should have been given a chance. I know that she does project an aura of bitchyness around her but she can sing and DAMMM i mean really DAMMM she is hot!.

How can you say no to this>>

<< Or this?

I honestly think that she was trying to just stand out from the crowd, i mean it worked. You can remember her name from the start unlike the other contestants.

But i have little complaints about the 36 finalists besides Tatiana. This year i think has more people with postive atributes compared to the previous seasons.

But probably when the day reached Wednesday and Thrusday i probably be singing to a different tune LOL.

I just hope that Tatiana will calm down and not burst into a laughing frenzy whenever she feels happy. But again that's just a H-O-P-E.

Well till the next post
"Bi now, gay later".